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GRO GRIM, C. F. An Essay towards an Improved Register of Deeds. 8vo. New York. 1822. GRIMKE, THOMAS S. An Oration on the Practicability and Expediency of reducing the whole body of the Law to the sim- plicity and order of a Code. 8vo. Charleston. 1827. GRIMKE, J. F. The Justice of the Peace; containing all the Duties, Powers, and Authorities of that office, as regulated by the Laws now of force in this State ; to which is added a great variety of Writs, Indictments, and other Precedents. 2d ed. 8vo. 1796. . The Law of Executors, for the State of South Carolina. 8vo. . The Public Laws of the State of South Carolina, from its first establishment as a British Province, down to the year 1790, inclusive ; in which is comprehended such of the Statutes of Great Britain, as were made of force by the Act of Assembly of 1712. 4to. Philadelphia. 1790. It contains all the English Statutes at large, or chiefly all, which extended to or were generally received in the Colonies ; with marginal references to English Cases and Decisions on those Statutes. The work is scarce. Griffith's Law Reg. 824. GRIMSHA W, WILLIAM. The Merchants' Law Book ; being a Treatise on the Law of Attachment, Bailment, Bills of Exchange, and Promissory Notes, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1831. GRISWOLD, HIRAM. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, in Bank. 8vo. Co- lumbus. 1846. This is lettered vol. 14th, of Ohio Reports, GROTIUS, HUGO. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. Libri tres. 4lo. Parisiis, 1625. 1st ed. The most complete Latin edition of De Jure Belli, etc., together with the other Legal works of Grotius, is that in 5 vols., 4to., Lausannae, 1751, with the notes and commentaries of the Cocceii ; and of ihe De Jure Belli alone, that of Amst., 8vo., 17'20, cum nolis Gronovii et Barheyracii. There are several French translations, but the best is, Le Droit de la guerre et de la Faix, trad'Mt du Latin de H. Grotius, avec des remarques, par J. Barbcyrac, 2 vol., 4fo., Basle, 1768. Either of the preceding impressions of Barbeyrac's translation are desirable. The English trans- 352