Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/399

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HIN HILLIARD, FRANCIS. A Treatise on the Law of Sales of Per- sonal Property. 8vo. New York. 1841. The author has given a very good Digest of the general principles of the Law of Sales, to be found in the elementary books and decided Cases ; but it is not a full and elaborate Treatise. 25 A. J. 488 ; (2G) 262. . Elements of Law. Bvo. . An Abridgment of the American Law of Real Property. 2d ed. 2 vols, Bvo. Philadelphia. 1846. Previous to the publication of this Abridgment, it is well known that Cruise's Digest was the only good Treatise upon the Law of Real Pro- perty, in use in the United States. INIr. Hilliard attempts a compilation embracing the English Law of Real Property Americanized, together with the statutory provisions and adjudged Cases of each State, and his efforts have been eminently successful. There maybe some difference of opinion in the profession respecting the plan of his work, but none with regard to its execution. The preparation of such a Treatise required no ordinary research in State Statutes and Decisions, as well as in the Eng- glish Cases ; and the consummation of this task places the author among that limited class of laborious writers uncommon in any age. The prac- tical utility of the volumes is common to the whole Union, and the wonder is that the author has been able to bring so great a mass into so condensed a text, at once comprehensive and lucid." The second edi- tion is considerably enlarged. 19 A. J. 486; (21) 470; 1 L. Rep. 119; (9) 188; 2 Kent's Com. 635, n. HINCHLTFFE, H. J. Rules of Practice for the Vice Admiralty Court of Jamaica. 8vo. London. 1813. HINDE, ROBERT. Practice of the High Court of Chancery, methodized and digested in a manner wholly new. 8vo. London. 1785. HINDLER, . Costs in the Court of- C. P. of Lancaster. 12mo. 1843. HINDMARCH, W. M. A Supplement to Deacon's Criminal Law of England. Bvo. London. 1836. . A Treatise on the Law relating to Patent Privi- leges, for the sole use of the Inventions, and the practice of obtaining Letters Patents for Inventions ; with an Appendix of Statutes, Rules, Forms, &c. Bvo. London. 1846. This is the latest and most elaborate work on the subject. 10 Jurist, 150. 387