Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/400

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HOB HINKLEY, E. Acts of the Assembly of Maryland, on the Sub- ject of Attachment. 8vo. Baltimore. 183G. HINTS TO WITNESSES in the Courts of Justice. By a Bar- rister. 8vo. London. 1815. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF CIVIL LIBERTY, from Hen. VII. to the Accession of the House of Stuart ; with an Account of the Antiquity, Use, and Duty of Juries, &;c. 8vo. London. 1788. HISTORY OF THE CHANCERY. See Burrough. Of the Inns of Court. See Cunningham. HITCHCOCK, HENRY. The Alabama Justice of the Peace, containing all the Duties, Powers, and Authorities of that Office, as Regulated by the Laws now in force in this State ; to which is added a great variety of Warrants, Recognizances, Bonds, Deeds of Bargain and Sale, Lease and Release, of Trusts, Mort- gages, Bills of Sale, Contracts, and other Precedents, &-c. 8vo. Cahawba. 1822. HOBART, SIR HEN. Reports in the Reign of James I. ; with , some few Cases in the Reign of Elizabeth. 5lh ed. Revised and Corrected from the Errors of all former impressions ; with the Addition of many thousand new References. By Edward Chil- ton, fol. London. 1724. 1st American from the 5th Englished.; with Notes. By J. M. Williams. 8vo. Boston. 1829. Hobart's Reports were not published till 1G41, several years after the death of the author, and were much disfigured by the blunders of an igno- rant or careless editor, " who, aiming more at his private gain than the good of the nation, honour of the law, and renown of the author, printed them ; and then, without consulting with any that either knew the laws, or were acquainted with the author's most excellent style, published them deformed, without any correction — which, when extant, seemed beauteous in their confusion. To wipe olf the dust from this most excel- lent jewel, — an honourable and a learned hand hath, out of a respect to the ashes of the learned author, bestowed more than a few hours in the perusing and amending the unhappy mistakes ; and, as in perspective, to behold the body of these most excellent commentaries, hath compiled a table worthy to be annexed to the works of the learned Hobart." The learned hand referred to is supposed to have been Sir Heneage Finch. Chilton's is the best English edition, but the American, by Judge Wil- liams, is far preferable to that. It appears that Professor Greenleaf con- 388