Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/436

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JER JENNINGS, , AND HECKFORD. Costs as at present allowed on Taxation. 3d ed., with an Appendix. 12mo. Lon- don. 1840. JEREMY, HENRY. An Analytical Digest of the Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of Common Law and Equity of Appeal, Nisi Prius, and in the Ecclesiastical Courts, from 1817 to 1823, being a new and consolidated edition of the Parts pub- lished during that period. 8vo. London. 1825. The author, since this period, has continued his Digest in annual volumes. . The Law of Carriers, Innkeepers, Warehousemen, and other Depositaries of Goods for Hire. 8vo. London. 1815. 8vo. New York. 1816. JEREMY, GEORGE. A Treatise on the Equity Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London. 1828. 2d Ame- rican ed. 8vo. New York. 1840. The author does not profess to give a full and complete view of the whole system, but only to trace out and arrange the more general rules which govern the determinations of the Court. It seems to have been compiled with a view to show, in a general outline, the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, rather than to give a comprehensive view of the jurisprudence of Equity. The stj-^le and manner of execution seem to have, in some degree, been adapted to the genera] reader, and those of the Profession who were not acquainted with the subject. Every branch of the subject is but cursorily considered. It contains, however, a more lucid exposition of the Cases and Decisions referred to, and evinces greater discrimination and deeper knowledge of the science of Equity, tlran the work of Mr. Maddock. 15 A. J. 368. JERSEY. A Code of Laws for the Island of Jersey. 8vo. Lon- don. 1771. JERVIS, J. Rules of the Courts of K. B., C. P., and Exchequer, from M. T., 1 Will. IV., to H. Vacation, 2 Vic, and an Appen- dix of Statutes of general Reference, in relation to Pleading and Practice; with Notes. 4th ed. 8vo. London. 1839. . A Practical Treatise on the Office and Duties of Coroners ; with an Appendix of Forms and Precedents. 12nio. London. 1829. 424