Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/437

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JOII JERWOOD, J. A Summary of the Mode of Settling Parochial Boundaries under the Provisions of the Title Act. 12mo. Lon- don. 1841. . Remarks on the Apportionment of the Tithe Rent Charge. 12mo. London. 1840. JESSE, J. A Guide to the Practice of the Court of Quarter Ses- sions, for the County of Somerset. 8vo. London. 1815. JEVONS, THO. Remarks on Criminal Law, with a Plan for an Improved System, and Observations on the Prevention of Crime. Svo. London. 1834. JICKLING, HENRY. A Practical Treatise on the Analogy be- tween Legal and Equitable Estates and Modes of Alienation. Svo. London. 1829. JICKLING, NICHOLAS. A Digest of the Laws of the Cus- toms, relating to Shipping, Navigation, Revenue, &c., to 42 Geo. III. 4to. London. 1815. JODRELL, HENRY. A Charge to the Grand Jury of Norfolk, at the General Quarter Sessions, Jan. 16, 1793. 8vo. JOHNES, A. J. Suggestions for a Reform of the Court of Chan- cery, by a Union of the Jurisdiction of Equity and Law. Svo. London. 1834. " This little volume, besides being written with remarkable neatness and clearness of style, contains many important views relating to the defects in the administration of justice, occasioned by the separation of Equity and Law." 13 A. J. 459 ; HofF. Leg. Stu. 406. JOHNSON, C. W. The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Checks, &;c. 2d ed. r2mo. London. 1839. A small volume, but prepared with considerable care and accuracy. . The Life of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Jus- tice of England, in the Reign of James I. ; with Memoirs of his Contemporaries. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1S37. JOHNSON, W. G. The Five Judgments in the Braintree Church- Rate Case. Svo. London. 1843. JOHNSON, JOHN. A complete Abridgment of the Laws re- specting Gaming and Usury ; with adjudged Cases. Svo. London. 17S7. 425