Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/439

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JON method of reporting has been censured for diffuseness, but the general use of the volumes, is a high compliment to both the Bench and the Reporter. Judge Story, in alluding to Griswold v. Waddington, in 16 Johnson, says: " There cannot, perhaps, bo found in the judicial annals of our country, any Case, in which the resources of a great mind, acting upon the most comprehensive researches, have been more eminently or successfully displayed." C. J. Parker, in Packard v. Richardson, 17 !Mass. 137, also remarks : " We are in the habit of showing great respect to the decisions of the Supreme Court of New York; for that Bench, ever since we have been enabled to judge of its character by the masterly Reports of Mr. Johnson, has been distinguished by great learning and uncommon legal acumen." Story's Bills, § 99, n; Story's Part. § 280, n ; § 316, n ; 1 U. S. L. J. 175, 499 ; (2) 288 ; 1 Ang. L. 1. 9. JOHNSON, J. E. An Analytical Abridgment of Kent's Commen- taries on American Law ; with a full Series of Questions for Examination, adapted both to the Analysis, and to the original Commentaries. 8vo. New York. 1839. JOHNSTON, A. J. An Inquiry into the Law relating to Exche- quer Bill. Svo. London. 1842. JOHSTOUN, JAMES. A Judicial Dissertation concerning the Scripture Doctrine of Marriage Contracts, and the Marriages of Cousin-Germains. Svo. London. 1734. JONAS, P. A new and complete Abridgment of all the Laws of Excise, from the commencement thereof down to the 42d year of his present Majesty. Svo. London. 1802. JONES, J. P. An Eulogy upon A. Laussat. Svo. Philadelphia. 1834. JONES, F. C. The Attorney and Solicitor's New Pocket Book, and Conveyancer's Assistant ; containing the most common and approved Precedents, with many Practical Remarks. 7lh ed., with some useful Precedents ; the whole altered and adapted to the Present State of the Law, and the Practice of Conveyancing. By J. Crisp. 2 vols. 12mo. London. 1841. JONES, SIR THOMAS. Reports des divers Special Cases en le Common Bank, et en le Count del Bank le Roy, en le Reigne de le Roy, Charles le II. fol. London. 1G95. 2d ed. in French and English ; with the addition of many References, fol. Lon- don. 1729. 427