Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/440

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JON JONES, SILAS. An Introduction to Legal Sciences ; being a concise and familiar Treatise on such Legal Topics as are earliest Read by the Law Students, and should be understood by every Citizen as a Part of a General and Business Education ; to which is appended a concise Dictionary of Law Terms and Phrases. 12mo. New York. 1842. JONES, THOMAS. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland, in M. T. & H. T., 5 Wm. IV., 1834-5. 2 vols. 8vo. Dubhn. 1838. JONES, T. AND H. CAREY. Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland, in Hilary, Easter, and Trinity Terms, in the 2d year of Queen Victoria, and the Sittings after. Parts I. & II. 8vo. Dublin. JONES, T. AND E. D. LATOUCHERE. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. III. Parts. 8vo. Dublin. JONES, SIR WILL. An Inquiry into the Legal Mode of Suppres- sing Riots, with a Constitutional Plan of future Defence, &c. 8vo. London. 1780. — — ^— . Les Reports de divers Special Cases, cy bien en letlJourt de Banck le Roy, come le Common-Banck, come en I'anns de Roy Charles I. fol. London. 1675. " The following Reports contain the Cases of greatest remark which happened either in the Common Pleas or King's Bench, during the time Sir W. Jones was judge in the said Courts, which was from the 18th year of King James to the 16th of King Charles I. There is likewise reported three Iters, together with ihe great Case in Parliament, between the Earl of Oxford, and the Lord Willoughby, of Eresly, not any where else printed." Jones' Reports are authoritative, and have a good repu- tation for accuracy, but are rarely referred to on account of their antiquity and the language in which they remain. Mr. Hargrave translated them into English, a strong argument in their favor, but the MS. was never published. Wallace's Reporters, XIII. 35 ; Clarke's Bib. Leg. Ang. 362; 8 A. J. 267; (12) 39 ; Pref. to the Reports. . An Essay on the Law of Bailments. 8vo. Jjon- don. 1781. The 2d edition was edited by John Balmanno, 1798; the 3d, by J. Nicholl, 1823; the 4th, by W. Theobald, 1834. The American editions 428