Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/441

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JON are the reprints of the 2d Englished., 12mo., Brattlehorough, 1813; and the 3d English ed., with additional Notes and References, hy W. Hal- sted, 8vo., New York, 1828; and a new edition, 8vo., Philadelphia, 1836. Lord Holt, in Coggs v. Bernard, introduced from the Roman Law a substratum, upon which the English Law of Bailments chiefly reposes, and Sir William Jones further developed this interesting depart- ment of jurisprudence, in his Essay, which has ever been admired for its artistic and scholar-like finish. It possesses very great merits as a lite- rary production, but moderate value as a legal work for the present day. Tiie definitions are often faulty, and, after all, the Essay is but a collec- tion of some of the leading rules of the Law of Bailments, a first attempt to give form and symmetry to a subject, at that time not tho- roughly rooted in the Common Law. Compared with Story on Bailments, it is a very slender performance in every respect, and furnishes scarcely a tithe of the information that the practitioner needs at the present day. The changes which every system of jurisprudence undergoes, in seventy years, renders more or less obsolete, or inadequate to their designed pur- pose, all elementary treatises, however excellent, from which fate Jones on Bailments has not escaped. Balmanno contributed an Introduction and some miscellaneous Notes ; NichoU's additions are of a more practical character ; and Theobald's annotations are numerous, but, for the most part, mere excerpts from Story on Bailments. 25 Month. Rev. 236 ; (66) 298 ; 2 A. J. 78 ; (7) 137 ; 6 N. A. Rev. 46 ; Bridg. Bib. 176 ; 7 L. O. 117. JONES, E. An Index to the Records on the Remembrancer's Side of the Exchequer. 2 vols. fol. London. 1793-95. JONES, J. De Libellis Famosis, or the Law of Libels. 8vo. London. 1812. JONES, J. AV. A Translation of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and Frencli Quotations, which occur in Blackstone's Commentaries, (fee. ; also in the Notes of Christian, Archbold, and Williams. 8vo. London. 1823. JONES, G. F. A Treatise of the Law concerning the Liabilities and Rights of Common Carriers. 8vo. liOndon. 1827. JONES, SAMUEL, and R. VARICK. The Laws of the State of New York, comprising tlie Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, from the 1st to the 12th Session, inclusive. (Feb. 1778, to March, 1789.) 2 vols. fol. New York. 1789. JONES, W. C. The Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri. Bvo. St. Louis. 1815. 429