Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/478

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LIT third and fourth supplemental volumes, and a fifth, from A. to D., Vra- tislaviae, 1816—30. Lipenius, with its supplements, is the most com- prehensive Treatise extant upon continental Legal Bibliography. Its arrangement differs from most other works upon the subject, being according to alphabetical subjects. It is rarely found complete. The work, with its additions, is very meagre in titles of law books not con- tinental, and the English titles are, for the most part, full of mistakes. Le nombre des livres indeques dans cette Bibliotheque est immense. II y a deux defauts ; le primier, que I'ouvrage ayant ete compose en Alle- magne, on y indique une multitude de traites que I'ou ne saura se flatter de trouver en France ; I'autre, que le noms des auteurs Fran9ais sont souvent defigures. 2 Dupin's Camus ; 6 Brunet Manuel du Lib. LISBOA, JOSE DA SILVA. Principios de Dirieto Mercantil, e Leis de Marinha para Uso da Mocidade Portiigueza, desiinada ao Commercio, divididos em oito tratados elementares, conlendo a respectiva Legislanao patria, o indicando os Fontes Originaes dos Regulamentos Maritiraos das principas Prafas da Europa. 7 torn, in 2. Lisboa. 1815-19. LISLE, EDW. A Philological Commentary; or, an Illustration of the most obvious and useful Words in the Law ; with their Distinctions and divers Acceptations. 2d ed., enlarged. 8vo. Lon^don. 1658. LISLET, L. MOREAU. Digeste General des Actes de la Legis- lature Louisiana. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1828. LISTER, DANIEL. A Digest of the Law of Elections. 8vo. London. 1828. LITTELL, WILLIAM. A Digest of the Statute Law of Ken- tucky, being a Collection of all Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the commencement of the Government to May Session, 1822 ; also, the English and Vir- ginia Statutes, yet in force ; together with several Acts of Con- gress ; with References to Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Court of Appeals, of Kentucky, and the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. 1822. . Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Chan- cery, decided by the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, from 1822 10 1824. 4 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1822-24. 466