Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/479

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LIT LITTELL, WILLIAM. Selected Cases from the Decisions of the Court of Appeals, of Kentucky, from 1795 to 1825, not here- tofore published. 8vo. Frankfort. 1824. . The Statute ,Law of Kentucky, with Notes, Pre- delections, and Observations on the public Acts ; comprehending, also, the Laws of Virginia, and Acts of Parliament in force in this Commonwealth, the Charter of Virginia, the Federal and Slate Constitutions, and so much of the King of England's Pro- clamation, in 1703, as relates to the Titles of Land in Kentucky. 5 vols. 8vo. Kentucky. 1809-19. LITTLETON, EDWARD, (Lord.) Les Reports en les Courts del Common Banck et Exchequer, en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Ans del Reign de Roy Car I. fol. London. 1683. The editor says : " The reason why these Reports came out so long after the author's death, is that his papers rested till within these few years in the hands of his brother and executor. Sir T. Littleton, who kept them for his own private use, since whose decease they are now printed for public benefit ; and something the more acceptable they will be to the reader in this particular, that great care has been taken in the supervision of them to leave out all Cases already extant in any of the contemporary Reports." This was not done, since many of the Cases are precisely the same as those in Hetley's Reports. One must have copied from the other, or both from some common source. Degg says, " Lord Keeper Littleton's Reports are certainly wrongly fathered." They were probably never designed for the press, but merely for Littleton's own use, and " are the rummage of a dead man's library." Sir Francis North, in granting permission for their publication, says, he had found the Reports " to be made with great judgment and truth," but Lord Campbell informs us that they are not regarded as very valuable. Pref. to Reports; 2 Camp. Lives, GOG; Degg's Parson's Counsellor, in fine; Bacon's Letters, Stevens' ed. 2L LITTLETON, THOMAS DE. Tenures of, in French and Eng- lish ; a new ed., with Notes, printed' from the most ancient copies, and Collated with the various Readings in the Cambridge MSS. ; to which are added the ancient Treatise of the Old Tenures, and the Customs of Kent. By T. E. Tomlins. 8vo. London. 184L See Coke's I. Institute, and Iloiiard. In the infancy of printing, the date of the publication of a book was often omitted, and bibliographists, from this fact, have been unable to determine the precise year when Littleton's Tenures first appeared ; but 467