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RUG ROWE, W. H. Practical Observations on certain Points of fre- quent Occurrence in Conveyancing. 12mo. London. 1835. . Observations on the Rules of Descent. 8vo. London. 1803. . A Vindication of Blackstone's Commentaries, against the Strictures contained in Mr. Sedgwick's Remarks. 8vo. London. 1806. — — — . Scintilla Juris: or, an Argument in Support of the Doctrine which hath been generally discussed under that Title. 8vo. London. 1808. RUDIMENTS OF LAW AND EQUITY, ^-ee Grounds. RUFFHEAD, OWEN. The Statutes at large, from Magna Charta, to 1763. 9 vols. fol. London. 1762-65. L, AfMt'W This edition vi^as reprinted in 1769, and continued to the 41 Geo. IIL, making in the whole, 18 vols., 4to. RUFFIN, T. Reports, &;c. See Hawks. The first 248 pages of the first volume of Hawks' Reports, were reported hy the Hon. T. Ruffin. RUGGLE, GEORGIO. Ignoramus, Comoedia nunc denuo in lucem edita cum notis historicis et criticis ; quibus insuper praepo- nitur vita auctoris, et subjicitur Glossarium vocabula forensia dilu- cide exponens, accurante J. S. Hawkins. 12mo. London. 1787. The Comedy of Ignoramus was designed to ridicule the mixed lan- guage of the Common Law, and the dulness of some of its practitioners. It was played twice before King James, at Cambridge, whose preju- dices against lawyers is well known, and who is said to have been greatly delighted with its performance. The keenness of the satire created quite a sensation among the lawyers of those times, and even aroused the ire of Lord Coke, the invariable sturdy defender of the Law and its profes- sors. The Comedy, however, was so highly relished for its wit and satire, that no less than nine Latin and two English editions have been published, besides a number of representations of it on the stage. Haw- kins' is the best Latin, and Codrington's the best English edition. The former contains a life of the author, and voluminous English notes, together with a good glossary of Law Terms. Pref. to the Comedy; 64 Crit. Rev. 333. See Callis. RUGGLES, THOMAS. The Barrister; or. Strictures on the Education Proper for the Bar ; originally published in the World. 622