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RUS Republished with Additions, and an Introduction by the Author. 2d ed. 2 vols. 12ino. London. 1818. These letters first appeared anonymously in a newspaper called the World. The Barrister is an admirably written work, and contains much judicious instruction for those destined for the Bar. HofT. Leg. Stu. 74 L RUNNINGTON, CHARLES. The History, Principles, and Practice, Ancient and Modern, of the Legal Remedy by Eject- ment ; and the resulting Action for Mesne Profits, &c. ; with an Appendix, Illustrative of the Subject. 2d ed. By W. Ballantine. Svo. London. 1830. 1st Am. 8vo. New York. 1806. In the preparation of his work the author made considerable use of Gilbert's Treatise on the same subject. " Runnington on Ejectment is an excellent book, and contains correct and valuable Precedents." 10 Went. PI. Pref. . The Statutes at large, from Magna Charta, to the Union, 41 Geo. III. ; with marginal Notes and References, and an Appendix, containing some Ancient and curious Statutes, and a Preface explaining the Alterations and Improvements made in this edition. 14 vols. 4to. London. 1786. RUSHWORTH, JOHN. The Trial of Thomas, Earl of Strat- ford, upon an Impeachment for High Treason ; showing the Form of Parliamentary Proceedings in an Impeachment of Treason, fol. London. 1700. RUSSELL, JOHN A. A Treatise on the Laws relating to Fac- tors and Brokers; with an Appendix of Statutes, Rules, Orders, Regulations, &c. 12mo. London. 1844. See Law Library. "This is a well-executed and useful Treatise upon an important branch of Commercial Law, and will be found of great importance to mercantile men, as well as to our own Profession. The principal portion of it is devoted to the consideration of the duties and powers of Factors and Brokers, and their rights and liabilities, both with respect to their prin- cipals and to third persons; and this is written in a clear and intelligible manner, and reflects much credit upon the author." 8 Jurist, Pt. II. 31. RUSSELL, JOHN. The Form of Process in the Court of Ses- sion and Court of Teinds ; to which is prefixed, a general Account of the College of Justice. 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh. 1819. . The Theory of Conveyancing. Svo. Edinburgh. 1788. 623