Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/658

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SIM SHOWER, SIR B. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench during the Reigns of Charles II., James II. and Will. III. 2d edition, corrected, with numerous additional Notes and marginal References, by Thomas Leach. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don. 1794. It is probable that these Cases were printed from the " foul copy" of the Reporter, and that those really designed for the press, still remain in MS. " Shower's papers," says Mr. Umfreville, "after his death, falling into the hands of a bookseller, he, causa lucri, at different times, printed his general collection, without due consideration had of the selected cases, which were the only cases I conceive Sir Bartholomew ever in- tended for the press." 16 A. J. 26. SIDERFIN, THOMAS. Les Reports des divers Special Cases argue et adjudge en le Court del Bank le Roy, et aux y en le Co. Ba. et I'Exchequer en les premier dix Ans. apres le restauration del Charles le IL 2d ed. 2 Parts, fol. London. 1714. Siderfin's Reports were never regarded as authoritative. The cases were taken by the Reporter " when a student, and unworthily done by them that printed it." 1 Bur. 35; 2 Vent. 243; Comb. 377; 1 Show, 252. SILVA, JOSEPH. Principios de direito Mercantile e leis de Ma- rinha para uso da mocidade Portugueza. 7 vols. Ibl. Lisbon. 1815. SIMEON, JOHN. A Treatise of the Law of Elections in all its branches. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1795. SIMiMONS, JOHN. The Gentleman's Law Magazine. 1804. This small volume of Forms never came into general use, and is now out of print. Griffith's L. R. 2. SIMMONS, T. F. Remarks on the Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial, with a Summary of the Law of Evidence as con- nected with such Courts ; also, some Notice of the Criminal Law of England, with reference to the 102d Article of War. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1843. SIMON, HENRY A. A Practical Treatise of the Law of Inter- pleader, with an Appendix, containing the Interpleader Act, and Forms of Notices, Affidavits, Rules, Feigned Issues, &c. 12mo. London. 1842. " We have some hesitation in allowing to this work the name of a 646