Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/659

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SKI treatise as it contains nothing more than notes of some equity cases on bills of Interpleader, very like the marginal notes to the Reports. Little appears to have been done in the arrangement of the matter, and still less in attempting to deduce any settled rules of law, or to afford the reader any guide in judging of the weight or authority of the Cases." 6 Jurist, 485. SIMONS, N. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir John Leach, Sir Anthony Hart, and Sir Lance- lot Shadwell, Vice Chancellors of England, from 1826 to 18-14. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1829-44. SIMONS, N. AND J. STUART. Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chancery, before Sir John Leach, Vice Chancellor of England. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1824-27. SIMPSON, J. Reflections on the Natural and Acquired Endow- ments requisite for the Study of the Law. 5th edition, corrected, with Notes and Commentaries ; to which is prefixed an Address to the Students of the Law on the same subject, being the Sub- stance of a Lecture delivered to a Society of Gentlemen, by M. Dawes. 8vo. London. SIMPSON, WM. Practical Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, for South Carolina. 8vo. 1761. SISMONDI Etudes sur les Constitutions des Peuples Libres. 8vo. Paris. 1836. SKELETON, W. B. The Circuit Manual; or, a Summary of the Irish Statutes relating to Indictable Oflences, alphabetically arranged with Notes and Cases. 12mo. Dublin. 1844. SKENE, JOHN. De Verborum Signijicatione. The Exposi- tion of the Termes and difficill Wordes, conteined in the Foure Buiks of Regiam Maiestatem, and uthers, in the Acts of Parlia- ment, Infeflments and used in Practicque of this Realme, and with divers Rules, and Common Places, or Principals of the Lawes. 4to. London. 1641. SKINNER, ROBERT. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from the 32d Charles II. to the 9lh Will. III. With some Arguments in special Cases. Published by his Son M. Skinner, fol. London. 1728. 647