Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/693

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SWI SWIECICKI, C. C. De Jure Naturae el Gentium in genere, et de Jure Belli et Pads in specii. 4lo. Matriti. 1788. SWIFT, R. L. The Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from H. T. 1828, to T. T. 1845, as at present applicable to the Prac- tice, with the Cases decided under each Order. 12nio. London. 1845. SWIFT, Z., L. WHITMAN, and T. DAY. The Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, as Revised and Enacted by the General Assembly in May, 1821, &c. Arranged and pub- lished under the Authority of the General Assembly. 8vo. Hartford. 1821. This revision is alphabetically arranged according to subjects. SWIFT, ZEPHANIAH. A Digest of the Laws of the Slate of Connecticut. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven. 1822-23. "Swift's Digest professes to give the law of Connecticut in particu- lar, as well as the common law in general." Many of the principles advanced by hira, have since been either overruled or modified, which will be found noticed, and other inaccuracies pointed out, in Button's Digest. 1 U. S. L. J. 143 ; 10 A. J. 464. . A System of the Laws of Connecticut. 2 vols. 8vo. Windham. 1795-96. . A Digest of the Law of Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases, and a Treatise on Bills of Exchange and Pro- missory Notes. 8vo. Hartford. 1810. SWINBURN, THOMAS. A Thorough Elucidation of the whole Doctrine of Descents. 8vo. London. 1825. . A Letter to the Hon. R. Peel respecting the Eng- lish Law of Inheritance, occasioned by some Observations of Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Sugden, &c. 8vo. London. 1827. • . Three Letters on the Philosophy of Law, ad- dressed to the Law Students of England. Svo. London. 1840. SWINBURNE, HENRY. A Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills, compiled out of the Laws, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Canon, as also out of the Common Laws, Customs, and Statutes of this Realm. 7th edition, with valuable Annotations, by Joseph Powell, prepared for the Press by James Wake. 3 vols. Svo. London. 1803. Swinburne on Wills, says Mr. Barton, is but little adapted to the pur- 681