Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/694

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.SWI poses of an elementary treatise, and still less calculated, from the quaint- ness of its style, to allure the attention of the juvenile student. Powell's edition by Wake, contains additions and improvements, calculated to render the work more generally useful. It was formerly very much esteemed and cited, but is now of comparatively little value, since the appearance of later and more complete works upon the subject of Wills. 1 Bart. Conv. 40; 10 Serj. & Kaw. 91; 2 H. Bl, 219; 1 Atk. 501; Co. Lit, 176, b. SWINBUENE, HENRY. A Treatise of Spousals and IMatrimo- nial Contracts ; wherein all the Questions relating to that Subject are resolved. 4lo. London. 1686 or 1711. "This Treatise is a work of great learning, though tinctured with the quaintncss so common to writers of that period. Lord Stowell makes constant reference to Swinburne as an authority." 10 CI. & Fin. 542, 833. SWINTON, ARCHIBALD. Reports of Cases decided before the High and Circuit Courts of Justiciary, from 1835 to 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1842. Mr. Swinton reports the evidence with great clearness and brevity ; and the addresses of the counsel, and the charges of the judges, are given shortly, but in a way which conveys to the reader's mind the man- ner of the speaker's, and the gist of the argument or charges to the jury. The necessity of similar reports is justly described in a notice of the above volume, and applies to the United States as well as to Scotland. " The want of such reports falls most heavily on the Legal Profession itself; the knowledge of our criminal law, as in daily, active efficiency among us, being thus made to fall behind that of our civil practice. If any of our institutions ought, in a more especial manner than others, to be subjected to the scrutinizing eye of impartial publicity, it is unques- tionably that portion of our jurisprudence, on the state of which, our lives and liberties, our dearest rights and interests depend." 2 Ed. Law Journal, 530. SWINTON, JOHN. Report of the Trial of the Glasgow Cotton Spinners. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1838. . . Digest of Decisions by the Registration Appeal Courts at Glasgow, from 1835 to 1841. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1843. . A Free Disquisition concerning the Law of En- tails in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1765. . Considerations concerning a Proposal for dividing the Court of Session into Classes or Chambers, &c. ; and for the Revival of Jury Trial in certain Civil Actions. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1789. 682