Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/730

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WAR WARE, ASIIUR. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the District Court of the United States for the District of Maine, from 1822 to 1839. 8vo. Portland. 1839. " Of the merit of these decisions, it is unnecessary to say any thing to the readers of this journal ; but to those of the profession, who are not already acquainted with their character, we w^ill say, without hesita- tion, that they are not inferior in learning or logic, to those of any court in this country. In points of Admiralty practice, these Reports will be found peculiarly valuable." 22 A. J. 482 ; 2 L. R. 281. WAREING, W. The Practice of the Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster in Personal Actions and Ejectments. 8vo. Lon- don. 1837. WARNER, H. W. A Discourse on Legal Science, before the Corporation of the New York Law Institute. 8vo. New York. 1833. WARNER, RICHARD. Hampshire ; extracted from Domes-Day Book; with an accurate English Translation; a Preface, and an Introduction, containing an Account of this curious Record, a View of the Anglo-Saxon History, and Form of Government, from the Reign of Alfred, &;c. To which is added a Glossary explanatory of the obscure and obsolete words. 4to. London. 1789. WARRAND, A. R. The New Bankrupt Act, 6 Geo. IV. c. 16, with an Analytical Table of the General Orders. 12mo. Lon- don. 182G. . The New Insolvent Act, 7 Geo. IV., with the New General Orders, &;c. r2mo. London. 1827. WARREN, SAMUEL. Select Extracts from Blackstone's Com- mentaries, carefully adapted to the Use of Schools and Young Persons, with a Glossary, Questions, and Notes, and a General Introduction. 12mo. London. 1837. «« We must be pardoned for suspecting the taste and judgment of any man who thinks that Blackstone can be advantageously abridged, for the purposes of legal education. A book like this, may serve as an apology for smatterers, but it will be worse than useless to students thoroughly in earnest in their pursuit. 17 L. M. 228; 4 Jurist, C44. 718