Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/731

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WAS WARREN, SAMUEL. A Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies, and to every Department of the Legal Profession, Civil, Criminal, and Ecclesiastic; with an Account of the State of the Law in Ireland and Scotland, and occasional Illustrations from American Law. 2d edition, entirely remodelled, re-written, and greatly enlarged. 8vo. London. 1845. With an Ameri- can Introduction and Appendix, by T. W. Clerke. 8vo. New York. 1845. See Law Library. Since there is so great a variety of opinion upon the best course for a young man to pursue, in attaining a knowledge of the law, it is quite impossible for any one writer or instructor, to point out a system of reading that will command, in extenso, the suffrages of all. It is not surprising, therefore, that various objections have been raised to Mr. Warren's work, but whether specious or real, no ingenuous student will rise from its perusal without obtaining some strength and assistance, that Avill be ser- viceable to him in the life-long study of the law. It stands at the head of all the works of its class, for amount and variety of information, felicity of illustration, and a spirit-stirring and sparkling style. " It professes to treat merely of legal studies, but it contains so much of general matter, that no student, be his aim what it may, can read these pages without profit. To judge of the merits of the book, it must be read." " Mr. Warren has amply repaid the debt due to his profession. He has done more; he has left the profession in debt to him." 9 Jurist, 403; (10) 13; 6 A. L. M. 477; 10 L. O. 68, 163; (30)338; 3 L. M. N. S. 281 ; 3 Law Rev. 67 ; 20 L. M. 1, 239 ; 8 L. R. 434 ; 2 ed. L. J. 527. WASHBURN, PETER T. A Digest of all the Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, as reported in N. Chipman's, Tyler's, Brayton's, D. Chipman's, and Aiken's Re- ports, and the first fifteen Volumes of the Vermont Reports, &c. Bvo. Woodstock. 1845. The volume is carefully prepared, in which the dicta of the Judges are distinguished from the points decided. 8 L. R. 522. WASHBURN, E. Sketches of the Judicial History of Massa- chusetts, from 1630 to 1775. 8vo. Boston. 1840. WASHINGTON, JOSEPH. An Abridgment of the Statutes of Will, and Mary, and Will. III. 8vo. London. 1699. WASHINGTON, BUSHROD. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, from 1790 to 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. Richmond. 1798-99. 719