Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/732

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WAT WASHINGTON, BUSHROD. Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit, from 1803 to 1827, edited by Richard Peters, Jr. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1826-29. Judge Baldwin, in an unpublished case, referring to Judge Washing- ton, and a case from which he dissented in these Reports, says : " I feel that it is a precedent, and yet more ; that it is a precedent left to us by a Judge of great learning, of the utmost patience, and largely endowed with that finest, rarest, last betrayed of the qualities of human intel- lect, — I mean, with good judgment" .... but " like many of the cases in what are called Washington's Circuit Court Reports, (a book printed from Judge Washington's Notes, never originally designed for the press,) this case is stated, short, and almost in the form of a syllabus; the grounds of the ruling, and the arguments of counsel, being wholly omitted." WATERHOUSE, E. Forlescutiis Illustratus ; or, a Commen- tary on that Nervous Treatise De Laudibus Legum JJngUae, written by John Fortescue, with Portraits of Waterhouse and Fortescue. fol. London. 1063. " Mr. Waterhouse, though a very prolix, as well as an extravagant wri- ter, one who too frequently exhausts himself and disgusts his readers, by tedious, useless, and ill-timed digressions, appears to have been a man of considerable learning ; and his collections, relative to the anti- quities of our law, may sometimes be resorted to with great advantage, and may very much facilitate the labors of more judicious and able in- quirers," Hargrave's Notes on Co. Litt. 17, a. WATERMAN, THOMAS G. The Justice's Manual; or, a Summary of the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, in the State of New York. 2d ed. 8vo. Albany. 1829. WATKINS, CHARLES. The Principles of Conveyancing, de- signed for the use of Students, with an Introduction on the Study of that Branch of Law. 8th edition, with large Additions, con- taining the Law relative to the Creation and Transfer of Estates and Interests, in Real and Personal Property, by John Merrifield. Svo. London. 1833. 9th edition, by H. H. White. 8vo. London. 1845. See Law Library. " lIr. Watkins' Principles of Conveyancing has not yet lost all its popularity. It was a masterly and practical sketch, but it is meagre, and, having fallen quite behind the present law and practice, has been smothered in the modern editions, by clouds of injudicious annotation." 9 Jurist, 11 ; 1 L. M. 57, GO. 720