Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/757

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woo WOODBURY'S REPORTS. See New Hampshire. WOODCOCK, H. I. The Laws and Constitution of the British Colonies in the W'est Indies, having Legislative Assemblies. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1838. ^ AVOODDESON, RICHARD. Elements of Jurisprudence treated of in the preliminary Part of a Course of Lectures on the Laws of England. 4to. London. 1783. . Lectures. A systematical View of the Laws of England as treated of in a Course of Vinerian Lectures, read at Oxford, during a Series of Years, commencing M. T., 1777. 2d edition, with Notes and Additions, by W. R. Williams. 3 vols. 12rao. London. 1834. See Law Library. Dr. Woodeson's Lectures form, in a measure, the complement of Sir W. Blackstone's Commentaries, for he supplies some deficiences in the production of his predecessor, and treats more in detail, some topics, but slightly noticed by him. Though of acknowledged merit, as to learn- ing, method of arrangement, and accuracy of rules, they do not seem to have attained so great a reputation as their real worth entitles them to. In point of style, and beauty of narration, they follow the Commentaries, hand non passibus scquis. William's Pref. Eunomus, 10; HofF. Leg. Stu. 161 ; Anth. Blk. 40 ; 9 L. 0. 39; 10 Westminster Rev. 83. WOODFALL, WM. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Land- lord and Tenant, with a full Collection of Precedents, and Forms of Procedure. Entirely remodelled and greatly enlarged. By S. B. Harrison. 5th edition, by F. L. W^ollaston. 8vo. London. 1843. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New York. 1816. " In this treatise, the English decisions on the usual branches of the subject, down to a late period, are correctly and accurately collected. Of all the works which the writer has consulted, he has derived the greatest assistance from this." Pref. Smythe's L. & Ten, ; 3 Nev. & Man. 801. WOODROFFE, J. The New Insolvent Act, 7 Geo. IV. c. 57, with Practical Notes, the Rules of Court, Tables of Fees, and a copious Index. 12mo. London. 1826. WOODMAN, H. See Thacher. WOOLRYCH, H. W. The Law of Party Walls and Fences, including the Metropolitan Buildings Act, with Notes. Svo. London. 1845. 745