Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/758

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woo - • WOOLRYCII, H. W. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Win- dow Liglits, containing : I. What are Ancient Lights. IL What Privileges new Liglits have. IIL Of the Obstruction to Lights, together with the Remedies for obstructing them. IV. What will operate as an Extinguishment of the Privileges of Lights, as Unity of Possession, &;c., and what not, with various other mat- ters relating to the subject. 12mo. London. 1833. "This little book is, we believe, the only treatise exclusively devoted to the law respecting window lights, and is evidently the production of an author who has bestowed considerable attention on the subject of which he writes. This work, though not of the very highest order of merit, may be extremely useful to persons obliged to inquire into the subject on which it professes to treat." 1 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 388. . The History and Result of the present Capital Punishments in England, to which are added full Tables of Con- victions, Executions, &c. 12mo. London. 1832. . A Treatise on the Law of Waters and Sewers ; including the Law relating to Rights in the Sea, and Rights in Rivers, Canals, Dock Companies, Fisheries, Mills, Watercourses, &c. ; with a Supplement containing the Cases and Statutes to 1834. 8vo. London. 1839-34. . A Treatise on the Law of Certificates : 1. Eccle- siastical. 2. In Bankruptcy. 3. Judicial, with regard to Costs, &c. 4. By Magistrates. 5. By Public Officers. 6. Parochial. 7. Professional. 8. Of the Registry of Ships. 9. Sundry Certificates, not classed as above. 8vo. London. 1826. . A Series of the Lord Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of the Rolls, Vice Chancellors, Chief Jus- tices and Judges of the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, with the Attorneys and Solicitors General of England, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth until the present day; with their Promotions, Deaths, or Resignations. 8vo. London. 1826. . New Highway Act, 5 & 6 Will, IV. c. 50, with Notes and an Index. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1836. . New Inclosure Act, 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 115, with Notes, &c. 12mo. London. 1837. 746