Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/784

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INDEX. CRIMINAL LAW. See Forgery, Imprisonment, Indictment, Punish- ment, Stale Tj-ials, Libel, Treason. I. Statutes. Addington, Archbold, Atkins, Care, Cary, Collyer, Espmasse, Gabbett, Hayes, Lonesdale, Matthews, Pendergast, Pratt, Pulton, Ravvlinson, Skelton, Tomlins, Wilson, Woolrych. II. Reports. Armstrong, Arnott, Brown, British, &c., Clayton, Crawford and Dix, Foster, Jebb, Leach, Lewin, Moody, Rol)in- son, Russell and Ryan, Synie, Swinton, Selections, Thacher, Yaiix, W^heeler, Woolrych. III. Practice. Archbold, Bolton, Carrington, Cole, Corner, Crown Circuit Companion, Davis, Dogherty, Edmunds, Gude, Grady and Scotland, Hand, Legis Fluvius, Starkie, Tomlins. IV. Treatises. Alcock, Alison, Andrews, Archbold, Arrowsmith, Barbour, Bayne, Beccaria, Bentham, Bevil, Bexon, Bicheno, Bol- ton, Boothby, Boscawen, Bridall, Britten, Burke, Burnett, Car- rington, Chambers, Chitty, Christian, Coke, CoUe, Cottu, Coyer, Dawes, Dagge, Disney, Deacon, Du Boys, East, Eden, Espinasse, Executive Justice, Fielding, Gabbett, Hale, Hammond, Hawkins, Hayes, Hume, Henry, Hindmarch, Hutton, Jackson, Jacob, Jar- dine, Joy, Jevans, Kerr, Kime, Langhorne, Livingston, Madan, Old Bailey Experience, O'Dedy, Penal Laws, Penruddocke, Ray- ner, Romilly, Roscoe, Russell, Sampson, Seton, Sharp, Staund- forde, Steele, Stephen, Stubbs, Tremaine, Wheeler, Whitestone Toulmin and Blair, Woolrych, Yorke. V. Trials. General Collections. Arnot, Buchanan, Berkenhed, Celebrated Trials, Chandler, Feuerbach, Gould, Hogan, Jardine, Medland, &c., Piteairn, Rogers, Williams. See State Trials. VI. Particular Trials. Blunt. See Best. Burr, See Carpenter, Robi^ison. Boot and Shoemakers. See Lloyd. Bourns. Brandreth, &;c. Brewster. Cardigan. Chase. See Evans. GlifTord. Cobbett. Cordwainers. See Sampson. Colquhoun. Concanen. Davis. Dorr. See Pilman. 772