Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/785

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INDEX. Fries. See Carpenter. Fry. Nivin. See Sampson. O'Connell. See .irmslrong. Peck. See Stanshury. Pennsylvania Judges. See Hamilton, Hogan. Prescott. See Pickering. Rogers. See Bigeluw, ^c. Smith and Ogden. See Mdison. Thorpe. See Debates. Tooke. CUSTOMARY LAW. Beaumanoir, Blount, Callhrorp, Fleetwood, Iloiiard, Lambard, Midglcy. CUSTOMS. Baldwin, Carkesse, Cranch, Cunningham, Daniel, Davies, Ellis, Forster, Frewin and Jickling, Heron, Hume, Jickling, Mas- call, Pope, Pulling, Yenner, Walford. See Revenue. DAMAGES. McYicar, Sayer. DEBATE, RULES OF. Clark, Cushing, Elliot, Highmore, Hatsell, Jefferson. DEBATES. Carpenter, North Carolina, Secret Debates. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. A'Beckett, Allen, Brady, Brewer, Coke, Debtor, Ellis, Forsyth, Minchin, Moore, Montagu, Mowbray, Pruyjean, Sadgrove. DECLARATIONS. Bohun, Brown, Brownlow, Chitty, Clift, Coke, Declarations, Greening, Harty, Hennell, Impey, Lawes, Lee, Na- pier, Read, Small, Winch. DECREES. Baggett, Scton, Wood. DEEDS. Atherley, Bell, Cornish, Dixon, Duff, Harper, Plowden, Rigge, Wilson, Woolrych. See Conveyancing. DEFECTS OF THE LAW. Ensor, Grayson. DEFAMATION. Cooke. See Libel. DELAVYARE. I. Statutes and Revisions. Delaware, Hall. II. Rerorts. Harrintrton. DEMURRER. Mansel. ^ DENIZATION. Hansard. DESCENTS. Chitty, Crosley, Descent, Fearne, Hall, Osgoodr, Reeve, Robinson, Rowe, Swinbum, Tomlins, Watkins. 773