Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/792

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INDEX. HIGHWAYS. Bateman, Barclay, Bird, Bramwell, Dehany, Delane, Egremont, Greig, Lawes, &c., Meriton, Pratt, Shelford, Woolrych, Wellbeloved. See Laws. HISTORY OF FRENCH LAW. Bemardi, Klimraith, Ortolan. See Civil Law. HISTORY OF THE COMMON LAW. Anstey, Crabb, Dugdale, Flintoff, Hale, Hallam, Luder, Reddie, Reeves, Sampson, Spence. See Constitution. HISTORY. See Civil Law, Roman Law. HISTORY OF CHANCERY. See Chancery. HISTORY OF THE LABOURING CLASSES. Eden. HISTORY OF COMMERCE. Anderson, Huet, Macpherson, Reddie. HOMICIDE. Bevil. HORSES. Horses, Lucas, Stephen, Stovins, vSurtees, Wilcock. HOUSE OF LORDS. Burge, Christian, Cooper, Hale, Macqiieen, Palmer, Prynne. See Parliament. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Burden, Frere, Laws, &c., Mackworth, Sherwood. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Baron and Feme, Bingham, Canning, Clancy, Croke, Dodson, Husband and Wife, Lewis, Poynter, Pra- ter, Reeve, Roper, Shelford, Sweet, Tamlyn, Tebbs. IDIOTS. See Lunacy, Insanity, Medical Jurisprudence. ILLINOIS. I. Statutes and Revisions. Illinois. II. Reports. Breese, Scammond. HI. Digests. Conover, Oilman. IMPRESSMENT. Butler. IMPRISONMENT. Beames, Beard, Bevan, Brewer, Burchell, Farley, Liberty, &c., Lieber, Stevens, Theobald. INDEXES. Bridgman, Bruce, Burch, Chitty, Crabb, Farren, General Index, Greene, Hammond, Harrison, Index, Jardine, Jones, Kek- wich, Kell, Lowndes, Manning, Martin, Munford, Oulton, Peters- dorff, Pickering, Raithby, Repertorium Juridicum, Spiller, Stewart, Tomlins, Tyrwhitt and Tyndale, Yard on. See Digests. INDIANA. I. Statutes and Revisions. Indiana. II. Reports. Blackford. III. Digests. Conover, Oilman. IV. Elementary Treatises. Indiana Justice. 780