Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/793

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INDEX. INDIANS. Blunt, Indians. INDICTABLE OFFENCES. Boothby, Greenwood. INDICTMENTS. Davis, Dogherty, Fitz-Gerald, Officium, &c. INFANCY. Bingham, Chambers, Commentary, &c., Dillon, Infants, Lawyer, Macpherson, Seton. INJUNCTIONS. Drewry, Eden. INNKEEPERS. Bird, Jeremy, Jones, Wilcock. INNS OF COURT. Cunningham, Dugdale, Duhigg, Gardner, Gold- smith, Herbert, Lane, Leigh, Wilcock. INSANITY. Bigelow, Bridall, Brown, Collinson, Mittermainer, Prichard, Ray, Stock, Winslow. See Lunacy., Medical Jurispru- dence. INSOLVENT LAWS. Allen, Brady, Burges, Burke, Charnock, Cooke, Creighton, Creswell, Gushing, Dees, Dorsey, Erskine, Flather, Gill, Holt, Horry, Ingersoll, Ingraham, Jones, Nicholl, Robinson, Sturgeon, Woodroffe. See Bankruptcy. INSTITUTES. Bankton, Coke, Cowell, Elchie, Erskine, Forbes, Hal- kerston, Hulot, Institutes, Lyon, Justinian, Macdonall, Mackenzie, Rutherforth, Stair, Thomas, Wilde, Wood. INSURANCES. Alauzet, Annesley, Ansaldis, Babbage, Baldasseroni, Beaumont, Benecke, Blaney, Boulay-Paty, Burn, Casaregis, Dow- deswell, Duer, Ellis, Emerigon, Evans, Farren, Hammond, Hild- yard, Hughes, Kelly, Lee, Lemonnier, Magen, Marshall, McKean, Millar, Morris, Park, Phillips, Roccus, Sherman, Stevens, Vaucher, W eskett. See Life Insurance. INTERNATIONAL LAW. Baring, Behmer, Bonnin, Burlamqui, Binkershoek, Chitty, Davis, Duane, Dumont, Eden, Elliot, Fcelix, Fulbeck, Grotius, Heinecius, International Law Tracts, Kliiber, Lampredi, Lucchesi Palli, Mably, Mackintosh, Manning, Mareschal, Martens, Masse, Puffendorf, Rayneval, Reddie, Selden, Swiecicki, Twiss, Vattel, Wallace, Ward, Wheaton, Wicquefort, Zouch. See Natural Law, Neutrals, Prize, War and Peace. INTERROGATORIES. Chancery, Interrogatories. INTERPLEADER. Simon, Theobald. INTERPRETATION. Dwarris, Hatton, Hayes, Home, Jacob, Lieber. INTESTATE. Lovelass, Mascall. See Wills. IRELAND. I. Statutes and Digests. Ayres, Fleming, Gabhett, Hayes, How- ard, Hudson, Hunt, Ireland, Kinahan, Lee, Merick, Meriton, Molyneaux, Oulton, Robbins. 781