Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/84

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ASH ASH, TPIOMAS. Prompluarie, ou Repertory General de las An- nales, et plauors autres livres del common Ley d'Engleterre. 2 torn. fol. London. 1G14; This is a general digest of Reports and Statutes from the Year Books down to the time of VIIL Coke's Reports, which was the last v^olume published when Ashe's work went to press. He has, however, in an appendix to his work, given a summary digest of the IX. and X, parts of the Reports. The contents of the Promptuarie are best expressed in the author's own words. " You shall find herein the yeere bookes, and cases by Mr. Brooke abridged, which are not in the Abridgment of Fitzh., remembred ; and also al other yeere bookes, and cases of later tyme by Mr. Plowden, the L. Dier, Mr. Keilwey (published by Justice Croke) and by the L. Coke reported ; and the same vnder each Title, and apt diuision seuerally distributed. So that by the helpe thereof, that which was heretofore confused, full of paines, and ambagious, will now become short, plaine, easy, and compendious. You shall finde in this w^orke many yeere bookes, and cases remembered, in neither of the said Abridgments collected ; and yet (vnder correction) as full to the purpose as those others ; which neuertheles (perhaps) were pretermitted for the reason by Mr. Rastall in the Prologue to the booke of Assises alledged ; viz. That it is not needefull to abridge euery case in the said boo/ce, nor to abridge tuery case in euery other yeere. But yet, for that this booke im- porteth a generality, I haue thought good to add the same least I might otherwise seeme to haue promised more in words, then in worke per- formed. I haue also comprehended in this worke the booke of Entries." Pref. to Vol. L, Promptu. The author seems to have had a passion for writing Indexes and Digests which he prepared with great care, but which are now of comparatively little use. . - Tables to the XL parts of the Reports of Sir Edw. Coke. 8vo. London. 1653. These Tables were published in both French and English fol. in 1606, 1618, 1631. Clarke Biblioth, Leg. 1. . Tables to Dyer's Reports. 12vo. London. 1602. (/n French.) • . Tables to the year books, &(;. concerning the ex- position of statutes by Equity; with an appendix, containing cases reported by Judge Dalison and Serj. Benloe, concerning the exposition of statutes by Equity. 12vo. London. 1609. (/n French.) Clarke's Bib. Leg. 1. ASHLEY, HENRY. The Doctrine and Practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court, London, with various corrections and addi- tions. 2 ed. 8vo. London. 1819. 72