Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/85

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AST ASH MEAD, JOHN W. Reports in the Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphans' Court of the first District of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1831-41. These Reports are a selection of the most important cases determined in the Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, &c. &c., of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania. The casual reader might infer from the titles of these reports, " that the four courts mentioned were distinct tribunals, presided over by distinct judges, but this is not the case, for three judges 'alternately declare the profound conclusions of the com- mon law, and the simpler theories of tavern licenses.' " The first volume has very brief or no arguments at all, of the counsel engaged in the causes, and the reporter states in his preface, that the opinions of the court were drawn up by the judges themselves, so that it appears the reporter had little else to do than to supervise the volume in its progress through the press. He has, however, "appended, in the form of notes, such of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania, as were analogous to, or connected with the various matters de- cided in the text." The second volume contains many adjudications of law and of equity decided after the act of June I6th, 1836, by which extensive equity powers were conferred upon the judges of this court, and the cases are much more fully reported than in the first volume. " Mr. Ash mead appears to have performed his task with accuracy and general care, but it is to be regretted that he has omitted the dates of the several decisions reported in the first volume, time being often in reporting, as well as in equity, of the essence of the proceeding." Vol. I. Journal of Law, 349. Pref. to the Reports. ASTON or ASHTON, R. Placita Latine Rediviva : a book of Entries containing perfect and approved precedents of courts, de- clarations, &c. as well in actions real as personal, and sundry other Entries useful for all Clerks, Attorneys, and Practisers in the courts of Westminster and inferior courts. 4to. London. 1673. There is a chasm of the paging of this work, from p. 144 to 177. The swarms of books of precedents of various kinds in modern times obviate the necessity of reference to Aston written in crabbed abridged Latin with its marginal notes in Law French, Aston seems to have been merely a compiler of the above Entries, for in his preface he says, " I would not have any man's opinion so much misguided as to think this book is a shaft taken out of my own quiver ; I assure you and those of that opinion it came not thence, but was collected by me out of the Manuscripts of more eminent and experienced persons." ASTREY'S, SIR JAMES general charge to all grand juries, and other juries, with advice to those of life and death: to which is 73