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checked his arm in time. Lord Chandos and Master Simon Renard seized the man. He declared that he was incited to this crime by Lord Clanbrassil.

Fabiani.By me? That is not true. Why, this is a monstrous thing! Such a man does not exist. That man cannot be found. Who is he? where is he?

The Queen.He is here.

Gilbert [stepping out from amongst the soldiers, behind whom he has remained concealed up to this time.]I am the man.

The Queen.In consequence of this man's statements, we, Mary, Queen, do impeach before the Star Chamber this other man, Fabiano Fabiani, Earl of Clanbrassil, of high treason and of regicidal assault upon our royal and sacred person.

Fabiani.A regicide! I! 'Tis most monstrous! Oh! my head is wandering, my sight grows dim. What snare is this? Whoever you be, villain, dare you assert that what the Queen has said is true?


Fabiani.That I incited you to regicide?


Fabiani.Yes! always yes! Malediction! You cannot know, my lords, to what point this is false! This man comes forth from hell. Unhappy wretch! you seek to destroy me, but you know not that you destroy yourself at the same time. The crime with which you charge me lies at your door no less. You will cause my death, but you, too, will die. With a single word, madman, you cause two heads to fall, mine and yours. Know you that?

Gilbert.I know it.

Fabiani.My lords, this man is bought—