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Gilbert.By you. Here is the purse full of gold which you gave me to do the deed. Your arms and your cipher are embroidered upon it.

Fabiani.Just Heaven!—But the dagger is not produced with which 'tis said this man sought to strike the Queen. Where is the dagger?

Chandos.'Tis here.

Gilbert [to Fabiani.]'Tis yours.—You gave it me for that purpose. The sheath will be found in your apartments.

Lord Chancellor.Earl of Clanbrassil, what have you to say? Know you this man?

Fabiani.I do not.

Gilbert.In truth he saw me only in the dark.—Allow me to say two words in his ear, Your Majesty. That will assist his memory.

[He goes to Fabiani.

Do you, then, recognize no person here, my lord? the man you outraged no more than the woman you seduced?—Ah! the Queen may avenge herself, but the man of the people does likewise. You defied me, methinks! And here you are caught between two vengeances, my lord! What say you to it?—I am Gilbert the carver!

Fabiani.Yes, I recognize you.—I recognize this man, my lords. Having to do with this man, I have nothing more to say.

The Queen.He confesses!

Lord Chancellor [to Gilbert.]By the Norman law and the statute of the twenty-fifth of King Henry the Eighth, in the case of lèse-majesté in the first degree, confession doth not save the accessory. Forget not 'tis a case wherein the Queen hath no power of pardon, and that you will die upon the