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Astronomical Dialogues.

You are now, said she, so very good, that I think I must feed your Vanity, by owning, that I was once much pleased with some Verse of yours occasionally given me; but am more so now, because I understand them better; after you had talked in your usual way of Love and Constancy and I know not what; you thus, as I remember, concluded,

So when the Needle hath been once drawn o'er
The Loadstone's Poles, and felt its wondrous Power,
'Twill e'en in Absence keep its Truth and Worth,
And always point tow'rds its beloved North:
But when it once the Magnet's Preference gains,
With Joy it trembles and the dear Object joyns.

Madam, said I, you do Me and my Trifles a great deal of Honour——

Hush! said she, not a word! I won't now allow you one Syllable of Trifling; be quiet and go on with your Lecture.

Please to let me inform you then, Madam, said I, that such a Wire as this, so touch'd, as they call it, or directed by the power of the Magnet, or Loadstone, they put into a round piece of Pasteboard, on which they draw a Circle; dividing it as this on the wooden Horizon of theGlobe