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Astronomical Dialogues.

Globe is, first into four Quarters, for East, West, North and South, placing the Point of North over that End of the wire which will point that way; then they divide each Quarter into Halves, and by that means they make in the whole 32 Divisions, which they call Points; and which are there and here expressed by the Initial Letters of their Names after this manner: [See Fig. II] And therefore the Use of that Circle on the Horizon of the Globes is to shew, on what Point of the Compass the Sun, or any Star or Planet apparently Rises or Sets; as I shall shew you more fully hereafter.

Well! saith she, I fancy my self half a Sailor already; but for all that I must confess ingenuously to you, that I don't know how to find the Points of East, West, North and South in the Heavens, or on the Earth, unless I see a Church, which, they say, usually stands East and West.

Madam, said I, that is easily known, by the Noon-day or Meridian Sun; for the Sun at Twelve a Clock being always full South, when you turn your face towards it, the North will be on your Back, the East on your Left, and the West on your Right Hand.
