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Astronomical Dialogues.

which are in or near this Circular Track called the Ecliptic.

But, pray, Sir, said she, what do you mean by under the fixed Stars? Why, don't the Sun move in among them, and along with them?

No, by no means, Madam, said I, the fixed Stars are probably farther, a long way, from the Sun, than that mighty Luminary is from us; and the Meaning of the Sun's Place.Sun's Place, or his being in such a Sign, is only his being for such a Time under that Star or Constellation, or between that and our Eyes; so that if a Right Line were drawn from that Star to your Eye, it would pass thro' the Center of the Sun.

I Begin, said the Lady, I think, to comprehend this a little better than I did; but, pray, Sir, what is the meaning of the Word Zodiac.Zodiac, which you used a while ago, when you began to talk about the Sun's Motion?

The ancient Astronomers, Madam, said I, to distinguish these Constellations or Setts of Stars, under which the Sun constantly appeared to move in his An-
