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Astronomical Dialogues.

But, said the Lady, how could they determine that? For when the Sun was above the Horizon, no Stars at all could be seen, to distinguish his Place or Situation by.

Your Objection is just, said I, Madam, if you consider the thing after the Sun was actually Risen, and just before his Setting: But they took notice of those Stars which were at or near the Edge of the Horizon before his Rise, and such as were there after his Setting; and found that the Sun would not continue to rise and set always at the same distance from the same Stars; but if, for instance, on March the 10th, he would rise and set near these Stars which you see here placed on the Glove within this Constellation called Aries, about a Month after they found that he would rise and set with those in Taurus, which lie a 12th part of the whole Circle more this way, or forwards on, as the Numbers shew, to the East-ward; and after this manner the Sun proceeding still forward every Day, they found that at the end of 12 Months he would seem to have gone entirely round in this Circle, and to rise and set successively with or under all the Fixed Stars,which