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Astronomical Dialogues.

Yes, Madam, said I, very easily, when you so perfectly understand their Meaning, for we only forget what we understand but by Halves; things thoroughly known become Part of our Nature, as it were; and People can also generally remember what they have a mind to. But, however, if you please to look over Dr. Harris's little Book of the Globes, you may have your Memory refresh'd at any Time very briefly, and yet plainly and fully.

I Thank you, Sir, said she, for that Information; I shall, I hope, be able to understand a little of Books of this Kind, by Degrees: But, pray, have you any thing more to shew me, relating to these Circles?

Madam, said I, 'twill be proper for you to know, that as our Astronomers make Greater and Lesser Circles of the Sphere.six greater, so they also make four lesser Circles of the Sphere; two of which they call the Tropicks, and the other two the Polar Circles. The Meaning of the Word Tropicks is, returns back again; for indeed neither the Sun seemingly, nor the Earth really, goes any further in its Annual Course, to the Northward or Southward
