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Astronomical Dialogues.

of the Equinoctial than 23 Degrees and 1/2; but after it hath gone so far, returns again toward it: And because the Points in the Heavens, where these Returns are made, are under the Beginnings of the Signs ♋ Cancer and ♑ Capricorn; they suppose two Circles to be there drawn in the Heavens and on the Earth, parallel to the Equator; and the most Northern of these, and which therefore is our Summer Tropick, is called the Tropick of Cancer, and the Winter, or Southern one, that of Capricorn; because they always fall at the Beginning of those Signs.

I Like our Earth mightily, said she, for her Steadiness in her Way, and for her not going too far North or South towards the Poles: I love moderate Weather, and would have it be in neither of the Extreams of Heat nor Cold: But, Sir, this Matter now begins to clear up to me apace; when the SUn is in the Northern Tropick, I see our Days are at the longest, and all of them longer than our Nights, during the Time of his whole Stay on the North Side of the Equinoctial: Whereas the very Reverse, I see, must come to pass, while the Sun is on the Southern Side of the Line. But, pray, of whatUse