Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/34

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There is no instance of k.

20. It appears once as : drencȝe 1212.

30. Palatal sc occurs in flæsc 423, scenc 86, æsca 107 ȝesceawen (for ȝesceafen) 1223, scurfum 1819.

Note.–englis 211 242 seems to be a scribal error.

§ 36. ȝg.


10. Before vowels OE. initial ȝ is generally represented

α) by ȝ before originally palatal vowels: ȝefoh[1] 211, ȝearra 2213, ȝit 2220;

β) by g before back vowels and the mutated vowels corresponding to them: godes 213, gangas 126gyldene 165. Exceptions are: geallan 1018 etc. (We find g used five times in this word against ȝ used six times); ȝoma 1415ȝyrdels 219. The capital used is G: Gif 48 424 (615) 1625 202, Gate 186.

20. Before consonants we find g in grutta 1622.

Note.–On a case of l for ȝ cf. Spelling p. XVII.


10. Between vowels.–g and ȝ are used indifferently, but the latter symbol occurs in the majority of cases: egyp (e) 23, witigan 220, bur-gatun 414, ȝeliþegaþ 1824, wude-gete 1427; hræȝele 214ælmihtiȝon 212, haȝol 216, æniȝun 44, miȝað 2012, eaȝon 2022 etc. Of the two classical words in the text, one has g, the other ȝ: androȝinem 1224, pollege 242.

Note.–Notice the use of e in eaȝean 229 showing the palatal pronunciation of ȝ.

20. After l we find ȝ: swelȝan 166.

30. Palatal ȝ is regularly dropped before d: stred 813, onȝestreded 147, ȝeled 166 1818, aled 1811.


  1. not maintained in the text, the punctuation having been corrected here.