Page:Medicina de quadrupedibus.djvu/35

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40. In the combination ng we find g: strang 216, hring-fingrum 65 etc., also cg: mencg 1018 and gc: ȝemengc 1414, mengc 1617.

50. As in OE. the double sound is regularly represented by in þicȝe 426 815, ðicȝean 1217. We find gg once before a guttural: migga 1624.


Only ȝ occurs at the end of words: areȝ (for aweȝ) 416, driȝ 821, huniȝ 1824. It is dropped in twi 621, huni 1213.

Note.–fire-gate 165 (BT has firgen-gāt, firgin-gāt) seems to be a scribal error. Other scribal errors are aȝe for aweȝ 1010 and sylefæst for syȝefæst 223.

§ 37. h.

A. Initially.

h occurs regularly, as in OE.:

10. before vowels: hatan 23, hælo 24, horn 87. awyrfþ 812 and oman 167 2013 are not exceptions as both weorfan and hweorfan, ōman and hōman are recorded, but eafodece 242 deserves notice. There are, on the other hand, cases in which h occurs without being justified: hifeles 424, hyrnende 425, hermen 1017, hys 1218.

20. before consonants: hræȝele 214, hlutre 105, hring 165. It is, however, dropped in raðe 42 etc., nappunge 208.

B. Medially and finally.

10. There is no special remark to be made here. Examples are: ȝefeohte 222, lichaman 69, eahhræc 2021ȝefoh 211, ðurh 45.

20. h is lost in bur-gatun 414.

Note.–On þ for h cf. Spelling p. XVII.