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"You are the Salt of the Earth."

(Matt. v. 13.)

I. As salt preserves from corruption and putrefaction, so is it the part of all apostolical men, to preserve souls from the corruption of sin, and to render the exercise of virtue palatable and agreeable to them. These men, then, ought to be pure and refined from all the dross and alloy of earthly passion by the influence of Divine charity, in order that they may be such themselves as they wish to make others.

II. How effectually did Christ our Redeemer and Saviour produce the effect of salt on us! To purge us and preserve us from sin, He spent Himself entirely on us, and melting away like salt, He communicated to our actions (which of themselves were insipid), the Divine flavor of His precious merits. Besides, by His example and doctrine, He has rendered trials and crosses and persecutions, which of themselves are difficult to be supported, agreeable and palatable. Season all your actions with this salt; apply the words of Leviticus in a spiritual sense, "Whatsoever sacrifice thou offerest, thou shalt season it with salt" (Lev. ii. 13), that is with the merits and example of Christ.

III. " But if the salt lose its savor, it is then good, for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men." (Matt. v. 13.) In this manner will God treat those, whose duty it is, to watch over the morals of others and teach them virtue, if they neglect their duty. Their example and doctrine should have a Divine efficacy to season the lives of others, but pride, vain glory and love