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of the world have destroyed it. "They became vain in their thoughts," says the Apostle, "and their foolish heart was darkened." (Rom. i. 21.) Beware of abusing the means, which you have in your power of being beneficial to others. Every individual of the Christian family is bound to edify by good example; in this sense every one is " the salt of the earth."


"You are the Light of the World.

(Matt. v. 15.)

I. Apostolical men are not only " the salt of the earth," to purge the hearts of men from sin, but also " the light of the world," to enlighten others and direct them in the ways of virtue. "It is the most Divine of all Divine offices," writes a holy Father, " to co-operate with Christ for the salvation of souls." Hence it is most acceptable to God, according to the expression of the Prophet, " They that are learned, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that instruct many unto justice, as stars for all eternity." (Dan. xii. 3.) It is a property of light to warm and enlighten. Examine yourself how you perform your duty on this subject, and seize every opportunity of being beneficial to your neighbors, particularly by " letting the light of your example shine before them." All instruction is cold, unless it be accompanied and enforced by example.

II. Christ " was the true light, which enlighteneth every man, that cometh into this world." (John i. 9.) He communicated a divine system of doctrine to mankind, illustrated and enforced it by His example, and gives His