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Page:Melbourne and Mars.djvu/110

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dsscbiptiohs mm mmmm.

Persons residing at a distance from Melbourne, and those- who cannot call opon Mr. Frfiser, may avail themselves of his- skill by Bending' one or more Photographs. If only on© ia sent it ought to be a three-quarter face; if two, any two positions will serve. With Photograph send note of height, color of hair and eyes, and present occupation. These hints are not- absolutely necessary, but helpfnl.

The prices of Descriptions from Photographs arc the same- as for personal interviews, viz., 5s., 10s. 6d., and 21s. The* higher Descriptions are not given from photographs.


Will aefc wisely in getting Charts of each other by Photographs when direct inter vie ws are not convenient. Descriptions from Photographs are very reliable, and enable the contracting parties to understand each other, and by adapting each to each, to avoid the quarrels and friction that frequently mar domestic- life. These Descriptions point out actual unfitness of persons for the marriage relationship, and thus prevent a life of misery..

Pensona who do not wish for Descriptions, and who would hke an opinion a* to fitness for Matrimony, may get advice by sending Photos, of each, accompanied by postal note for 5s., tor which they will receive an answer to their question, together with return of Photographs, by earliest mail.

All Communications in connection witn PnotograpH. are sent and received "In Confidence,"