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HOWjrox EEp ; H1M „

Tars book, though written fop the Mm half nf k -. p-l interest to Men . y oung m6n wUo « l^f* f live happily when mamed, will find it full of hint , 7 , "' aod to The demand for the book ha a already been great • to JTIT**- e TO ry p» g0 has b„ e » stereotyped, so that fresh «£<?£ ^T* at short notice. ca,a ba produced

T„J 4 u V S h ^ TO J ^ et r? d * C( W of a ama » illustrated hoot on 'Huafctnrf.* k~ w. Joseph fMSej. tie Bourke Street Pbrcnolo^sfe. Most of ? th2 c3i«Ur &*? &

One off the Eight, of Women, Kinds of Men. MatoriAU to Select Fxorn, SS

wSSSS^SilfT ^^ Wtrtcbmg Good .and Bad BffjU, Courting b2S Married Life, Love m Mm-ned Life, Conclusinu. Ppoleaaor Fraser Has published

    • vcral ktndteft books in days past, hut it is believed that noun will U found to

contain more matrnetion than the present., which contains life ripest thoughts upon the subject deu.lt with." -Mrtoturn* tin-aid. s

"Wo have received 'Hue bauds; How to Select Them, How to Manage Tana, vTm ^ ee £ '• l ' l,em »' hy Joseph Fraser, Phrenologist and PhyeioguoaHst, This is a littlo book well worth reading: and pondering, lo it the author fully sustains bia previous high. reputation."— Melbeurn* Patty Telegraph.

" We have received from. Mr. Joseph Fraaer a neat Httia volume, entitled

  • Husbands t How to Manage, Select, and Keep Them.* As we've been seteoted

already, and don't want to be managed, we sbnU « ot take the treatise home) but to intelligent young women it onght to pro*e a hoon,"— Melbourne Purtth.

"Husbands a el Hug- rapidly. We suppose Eraser supplies sober articles in tnia line." — Ibid.

21 Illustrations. 104 Foolscap Svo Pages.

Price Is. ; Cloth, gs. ; by Post, 2d. extra.

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