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grace. He would not have the honour, if it were offered to him; he is infinitely better pleased that we should belong to his God and Saviour Cultivate this becoming temper of mind, ye who know the Lord. Never forget, that in life, death, and judgment, it is grace alone that makes you to suffer from the world lying in wickedness.

2. It is only on the footing of that grace which reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord,' Rom v. 21 that you can look forward with any composure or confidence to the judgment-seat of God. You have (illegible text)t this confidence—Was it not a view of the entire freedom and fulness of this grace that first produced it? then 'hold the beginning of your confidence steadfast unto the end,' Heb. iii. 14. 'Little children, abide in him'—in his doctrine—in his love—in his ways—'that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming,' 1 John ii. 28.

3. The brethren of Jesus should love one another. Hatred of one who belongs to Christ, is hatred of Christ himself; for his language is applicable to the feelings of the heart, as well as to words and conduct; 'in as much ye did it not to me!' How serious the thought of harbouring any feeling but love towards an object of the love of Jesus! of Christ's heart and ours thus suffering! 'A new commandment,' says Jesus to his disciples, 'give I unto you, that ye love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.' John xiii. 34, 35. Seest thou a man, of whom you have reason to think that he shall stand with you on the Lord’s right hand, when he comes in