Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (2).pdf/24

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his glory?—If you can harbour dislike to such a one in your heart, you have reason to suspect your ever meeting him there. 'We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren: he that loveth not his brother abideth in death.'

4. If you feel the value of that gospel, the faith of which has filled your soul with joy and peace, which comforts your heart in afflictions, and sustains your mind in the prospect of the terrors of death, and the awful solemnities of judgment you will not feel indifferent to the state of your perishing fellow-sinners around you. 'Horror hath taken hold upon me,' says David, 'because of the wicked who forsake thy law. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law, Psalm cxix. 53, 139. Let the situation of such draw forth your tenderest compassion—let your compassion excite you. as far as you have opportunity, to 'teach transgressors the way of the Lord, that sinners may be converted unto him,'—let it lead you to the throne of grace in earnest, affectionate prayer, for any of your kindred yet in the gall of bitterness—for the ungodly and careless in the circle of your acquaintance—and for the universal diffusion of the knowledge of the saving name of Jesus—that "men may be blessed in Him, and all nations call him blessed!"