To the Lord High Treasurer.
My Lord,
Rome, Jan. 7, 1998.
BY the last Courrier, my Dispatches carried you a full Account of the fair Prospect of Success I have for all my Negotiations here. The Bull mention'd therein, ordaining that no British Subject shall any longer be judg'd liable to, or hereafter be seized by the Inquisition, having past the usual Forms; has delivered already many of our Countrymen from the Harpies of that Court, and secur'd them from it's terrible Judicature for the future. The Emperor's happy Recovery, has, at present, pretty much suspended all our design'd Proceedings, to prevent the Intriegues of this See, in order to place his Holiness on the Imperial Throne; and above all, as the Elector of Cologne has luckily broke with this Court, I hope we shall have Time to take such Measures, as shall effectually secure Europe from so terrible a Blow.