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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/145

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Twentieth Century, &c.

In the mean Time, I hasten this by a very worthy English Gentleman, Mr. Lumley, which brings you an Account of as extraordinary an Undertaking, as this Court has ever attempted, tho' it seems to be the natural Soil and Climate for Projects of all Kinds. In short, 'tis nothing less than selling by publick Auction all the vast Collection of Relicks, which were brought hither many Years since, at different Times; and particularly, when the Treasures of Italy were heap'd up in the Castle of St. Angelo.

This amazing Event, of selling publickly those venerable Remains, which the Bigottry and Zeal of their Ancestors had so long held sacred, is entirely occasion'd by the Avarice and Prodigality of the Cardinal Nephew; whose Expences are as unbounded, as his Passions and Extravagancies, which this Sale is design'd to supply. It is palliated indeed with the Pretence of dispersing such holy and precious Things, thro' all Christian Nations, to encrease their Devotion and Piety, which might otherwise sicken and flag, for want of such extraordinary Incentives, but I have told your Lordship the true Cause.
