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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/147

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Twentieth Century, &c.

have copied and translated very faithfully from it, adding some few Notes of my own, in Hopes it will both surprize and entertain you.

I can venture to assure your Lordship, that whether the Relicks in the Catalogue be really genuine or no, there are none in it, which have not actually been maintain'd, by the gravest Writers of this Church, to have been preserv'd in the Places, from whence they are said to be brought,and which were not religiously venerated, not to say, ador'd there. Indeed the good Jesuits may have falsified some of them, to make their Collection more glorious, and raise the larger Sum; yet I have Faith enough to believe they are fully as authentick, as most of the Originals, which these poor Catholicks, in different Places, preserve so religiously, and attribute so much Sanctity, and even Miracles, to.

But I will detain your Lordship no longer from perusing the Catalogue, than to say, I omit the Preface, because it only contains a fulsome, affected Declamation on the Veneration due to Relicks, on the vast Preference these deserve above all others; the pretended Reasons of their being exposedto