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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/146

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MEMOIRS of the

It is generally believ'd that this Design will bring in vast Treasures to the Cardinal Nephew's great Relief and Comfort; and as the Pope's managing Temper, and the rest of the Cardinals high Regard for strict OEconomy, prevent his squandring the Treasures of the See; they have complied with this Project, to raise a large Sum out of this holy Trumpery, which they were sick of, and which they found the Devotion of the Italians growing very cold to. I remember to have heard, that in the Beginning of the 16th Century, Vergerius, who was afterwards the Pope's Nuncio in Germany, was employ'd by the Elector of Saxony, to buy up for him many Relicks of the Saints in Italy. Accordingly he bought several, but before the Relicks had been sent to Germany, Luther's Books and Doctrines began to fly about, and lessen'd the Value of such delicate Wares so far, that the Elector order'd him to sell them with great Loss, and possibly that is one Reason that occasions the present Sale, since Italy begins to despise them.

The Catalogue is not yet printed, but I have procur'd the Original from the Imperial Ambassador, who designs to lay out great Sums on them, and what follows Ihave