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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/34

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a preſent of ſeveral large Volumes of theſe Letters, which, he aſſur'd me, would be writ by or to my Great Great Great Great Great Grandſon, who would be chief Miniſter in the End of the Twentieth Century, and to deal plainly with me, as far as he could gueſs, in the laſt days of the World.

The Joy! the Surprize! the Tranſport! theſe Words gave me, is not to be expreſt: And as Kircher told Schottus[1], he was cur'd of a deadly Diſeaſe, by dreaming he was made Pope, and receiv'd the Congratulations of all Kings and Nations, while he iſſued out Bulls and Decrees for new Laws, new Churches, new Saints, and new Colleges, with vaſt Joy, and awaken'd after a long and happy Reign perfectly recover'd; ſo I found in an inſtant all my Diſcontents in Politicks vaniſh'd and remov'd by theſe real Viſions, my good Genius had communicated to me. I accordingly receiv'd this preſent, as an immediate Bleſſing from Heaven, and after aſſuring him in the moſt ſolemn manner how ſincerely I renounced my former Principles, I enter'd into a long Dialogue with him, both as to the preſent and future

  1. Gaſpar Schotti Phyſica Curioſia, Lib.. 30.
