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Page:Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (Samuel Madden, 1733).djvu/35

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ſtate of Things, and learnt from him Secrets as important as the Ruine or Safety of Crowns and Empires can make them, and by the Communication of which, to the chief Miniſters of ſuch Princes as can gain my Eſteem, and particularly of my own, he aſſur'd me, I might with good Huſbandry, raiſe a Fortune whereon to ſubſiſt my Family with Honour and Affluence, till my Deſcendant ſhould be Prime Miniſter under George the VI. Every one may imagine, how eagerly I liſtned to all this, and how eaſily a Mind thus illuminated, with Views of ſo glorious a Change, in my own and my Family's future Circumſtances, would lay aſide its former Principles and Prejudices, as I immediately did, with a thouſand Thanks to my good Genius, for all his Favours, and as many Entreaties for his future Correſpondence, which both on my own Account, (as he was pleas'd to expreſs himſelf) and my Relation to Count Gabalis, he kindly promiſs'd, and has ever ſince often made me happy in.

He had no ſooner left me, than I began to read over the Volumes he had given me, with all the Delight which I hope the World will receive from that part of them, whichwith-