The long Intimacy and Friendship you have honour'd me with, as well as the Relation I have to your Noble Family, will prevent any Suspicion of Flattery, when I aver to your Lordship, that the News brought me by Mr. Milton, of your being declar'd Prime Minister and Treasurer by his Majesty in Council, was to me the most agreeable I have heard this twenty five Years that I have resided here. At the same Time I can say with Truth, that the Satisfaction this gave me, took not its rise from any private Views as to my own Interests, which I neither want nor desire to encrease in the World, but from the assured Hope I have, that our native Country shall hereby be highly advantag'd.
It is a peculiar Felicity that attends your Lordship's Promotion; that it happens when our glorious George VI. hath by the Success of his Arms oblig'd his Enemies to accept the Terms he was pleas'd to prescribe them, and that after having humbled France so far, as to oblige her to give up all her Ports in the Channel, even Dunkirk and Calais it self into our Hands, and taught all the Powers in Europe the Respect and almost Dependance they owe us; your sacred Ma-ster's